Hello all!
Before I
begin, I would like to take a moment to thank every person who contributed to this experience through their generous giving. The time in our nation’s capital was unforgettable, and none of it would have been possible without the amazing people who support South Carolina Citizens for Life.
Our group flew into Washington D.C. on Tuesday June 25. The next day, our team visited the Longworth House Office Building to meet with Congressman Joe Wilson, R-SC. The office had a warm and inviting atmosphere. We were told how Congressman Wilson has more interns than most other congressmen, with fifteen high school and college students learning about the workings of the House under his guidance. Congressman Wilson
genuinely cares about involving the next generation.
Upon arrival, we were informed that Congressman Wilson had undergone a procedure the previous day, and it was uncertain if he would come into the office except to vote later that day.