COLUMBIA, S.C. (Wednesday, January 22, 2025) – Today, January 22, 2025, marks the 52nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the most lethal U.S. Supreme Court decision ever unleashed on our country and one that has resulted in the loss of more than 65 million lives. We must never forget this terrible day, nor the
millions and millions of lives lost.
We give thanks to God that Roe v. Wade has been overturned by the 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson decision and that the regulation of abortion has been returned to the states without the tyranny of federal judicial fiat. We have a long way to go, however, and the abortion industry is ready for battle. The war on
unborn babies is a real war with a real body count.
In South Carolina, pregnant women and unborn babies have the legal protection of the Fetal Heartbeat Act, but the abortion industry continues to attach the Heartbeat Act in state and federal courts. Additionally, horrible, anti-life laws are lurking in our State Legislature.
For example, a state Senate bill, S 27, sponsored by the radical pro-abortion Senator Brad Hutto, D-Orangeburg, threatens to legalize abortion to “viability” and beyond; to overturn pro-life laws and regulations that have been passed in South Carolina since 1990; it allows for telemedicine abortions that currently are not legal in South Carolina; and it could
criminalize pregnancy care centers that do the greatest work to provide authentic, life-affirming care for women facing unexpected or difficult pregnancy and for their precious babies.
The attacks are not just from Democrats, the official Party of Death. Beaufort Republican Tom Davis, for example, has introduced the In Vitro Fertilization Act that
states: “any fertilized human egg or human embryo that exists in any form outside of the uterus of a human body shall not, under any circumstances, be considered an unborn child, a minor child, an unborn person, an unborn fetus, a natural person, or any other term that connotes a human being for any purpose under state law.” The name of the bill should be Dehumanizing Human Beings.
While the attacks against innocent human life rage on, South Carolina Citizens for Life has A Way Forward from Dobbs to a Culture of Life. This vision was introduced January 10, 2025, at the Proudly Pro-Life Dinner in Columbia, S.C., by SCCL President Lisa Van Riper.
Here is the
Vision: To create a culture in which the unborn child is welcomed into life and protected under law in a way that cares for both the mother and her child and safeguards the right to life of the medically fragile.
Challenge: To restore a sanctity-of-life ethic in society that recognizes the unborn as members of the human community, who are both welcomed into life and again protected under the law after almost a half-century of Roe v. Wade, the lethal 1973 decision, which had the following effects:
- Diminished the
sanctity of life for the culture for not only the unborn but for medically vulnerable groups by discarding the existence of biological human life as the basis for legal protection.
- Destroyed more than 65 million unborn children.
- Left women often physically and psychologically
- Threatened the most basic social bond by alienating women and men from their unborn child.
- Usurped the people’s constitutional role, through their state and federal elected representatives, to regulate a procedure that destroys the lives of unborn children and often harms their
- Reduced moral, legal, and medical clarity with distortions and misinformation.
A Way Forward: The 2022 U.S. Supreme Court Dobbs decision empowered the people through their elected state and federal representatives to
pursue the creation of a culture of life without the tyranny of federal judicial fiat. South Carolina Citizens for Life is committed to casting a vision that is based on moral clarity, medical and legal accuracy, and protection and compassionate care for the unborn and her mother. Pursuant to this vision, South Carolina Citizens for Life is committed to advocating for educational programs, community care initiatives, and humane public policies that promote the following:
- Recognition of the biological life of the unborn child.
- Reestablishment of biological humanity as the basis of legal protection at all stages of life and, hence, the regulation of abortion procedures that destroy the unborn, often harm the mother, and erode the sanctity of human life for all medically
vulnerable members of our human family.
- Restoration of the relationships between mother-child and father-child.
- Resource care for the mother and her unborn child.
- Resistance to legislation
intended to erode and impede the First Amendment rights of individuals, organizations, and ministries established for the protection and care of the unborn child and her mother.
we must never forget the tragedy of January 22, 1973, we must never give up hope for the future when abortion and euthanasia are unthinkable in the culture of life.