Today marks the 15th anniversary of Terri Schindler Schiavo's court-ordered death by starvation and dehydration. The battle to save Terri's life raged for years. But our society had already paved the way for Terri's death with years of legal maneuverings that left the value of
vulnerable patients, like Terri, open to interpretation.
The culture of death that dictates unborn babies aren't worthy of the right to life, also dictates that that right to life should be denied to the elderly, the disabled, and the terminally ill as well if they, sustaining their lives are considered a "burden."
Fifteen years after Terri, all you have to do is look at recent headlines to see that the culture and mentality that sentenced Terri to death is still hard at work today. Numerous news stories over the past two weeks have featured medical "ethicists" arguing for mandatory "do not resuscitate" orders (DNRs) for COVID-19 patients, overriding the advanced directives of these patients, and outright rationing of medical
equipment based on a patient's age or level of disability.
Even with our staff scattered to the safety of their homes, our work continues. And it is clear that our work to protect the vulnerable has never been more important. Thank you for being a valued partner in those efforts.
For their lives,
Carol Tobias, President
National Right to Life