It is with a sense of gratitude and great accomplishment that I write this second letter to you regarding the South Carolina Citizens
for Life Proudly Pro-Life Weekend. We have so much to celebrate with the Proudly Pro-Life Dinner on Friday, January 8, 2021, and the Stand Up for Life March and Rally on Saturday, January 9, 2021. We hope you will join us in sponsoring the 2021 Proudly Pro-Life Weekend.
Both events feature actress Ashley Bratcher who portrays Abby Johnson in the remarkable pro-life film Unplanned.
Coronavirus protocols will be observed. The flyer about the Dinner at Seawell’s and the Rally at the State House is found HERE. Please feel free to copy and share.
Our theme for 2021 is “Walk as Children of Light” from Ephesians 5:8. We chose this theme because the pro-life movement is a
movement of bringing light into the darkness of abortion and the culture of death. South Carolina Citizens for Life brought light into darkness in the recent election.
Because of your support we heavily promoted the election of pro-life candidates on November 3. We have a greater chance now than ever
before to pass more pro-life legislation in South Carolina, We gained three pro-life seats in the State Senate and the S.C. House remains under strong pro-life leadership.
Republican Party Chairman Drew McKissick said the pro-life issue “moved the needle” for pro-life candidates. Pro-Life Senator Lindsey
Graham was re-elected despite a $120 million campaign against him. Pro-Life President Trump swept South Carolina. The pro-life movement is on fire here because of your faithfulness.
Our political action committees mailed more than 48,000 postcards and in partnership with Palmetto Family Alliance we delivered
450,788 pro-life social media ads to 176,832 individuals. The National Right to Life Committee mailed 500,000 postcards and ran pro-life radio ads.
While we await the outcome of the final court challenges in the
presidential election and the outcome of the Georgia Senate races, we are certain of this: No matter what political situation we find ourselves in at the federal level, our mission will not change. Pro-lifers are in the movement for the long haul. We will never give up shining light into darkness.
We have seen the level of corruption in the institutional news media as it continues its vicious, untruthful attacks on our Pro-Life
President Trump, while suppressing the extreme pro-abortion positions held by the Biden-Harris ticket. Our continued work of bringing light into this darkness become even more critical if our culture is to know the truth.
South Carolina Citizens for Life recognizes that the Coronavirus has
brought economic challenges to many in our state. We do not know your individual circumstances, but we know we are at a grave juncture for the lives of the unborn and medically vulnerable members of our human family. We humbly ask that you contribute at whatever level you are able. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference.
Since 1974, South Carolina Citizens for Life has been speaking up for the unborn, the elderly, and medically vulnerable. We will
not – we cannot stop now.
By sponsoring and participating in the dinner and rally of “Proudly Pro-Life 2021,” you
promote a culture of life in South Carolina. You say to the world that unborn babies’ lives matter. You make a difference in the lives of pregnant women, unborn children, the elderly, and people with disabilities. You will equip us to pass an omnibus bill that will ban dismemberment abortions and protect the unborn child whose heart is beating.
Most of all, you honor God, Who made all of us in His image and
To reserve your sponsorship or tickets, or to make a donation, please click HERE. Thank you in advance for being a part of this important state-wide event. Please call our state office at (803) 252-LIFE (5433) or e-mail if you need further information about sponsoring our “Proudly Pro-Life 2021” events.