By Holly Gatling, Executive Director
South Carolina Citizens for Life
COLUMBIA, SC (Tuesday, February 16, 2021) The South Carolina House is expected to take up the Fetal Heartbeat Bill (S1) on Wednesday and if S1 passes without
House amendments, the
bill will go directly to Governor Henry McMaster for his signature. The bill passed the Senate on January 28, 2021, by a vote of 30-13.
The Fetal Heartbeat Bill gives a pregnant woman the right to know her baby has a heartbeat and the right to hear the heartbeat if she so chooses. The bill also protects most unborn babies whose heartbeat is detected from being killed by abortion.
You can watch the House debate beginning at 10 a.m. Wednesday, February 17, here. You can read the SCCL letter to all House members here.
It is not too late to call your representative and tell him or her to "Support the Fetal Heartbeat Bill, S1, with no House amendments. That way it will go straight to Governor McMaster who has
pledged to sign it once it reaches his desk."
Find contact information for your Representative here.