South Carolina Citizens for Life

Protecting South Carolina's most vulnerable through education and legislation. The First Civil Right is the Right to Life!

Press Release: No Hyde, No Budget

Published: Fri, 07/09/21

Hyde Saves Lives Press Conference at SC State House COLUMBIA, S.C. – The following statement is from Holly Gatling, the e ecutive director of South…

Happy Independence Day!

Published: Sun, 07/04/21

From the Board of Directors and Staff of South Carolina Citizens for Life

Happy Father's Day!

Published: Sun, 06/20/21

A Father's Prayer Father in heaven, Guide me as I lead the ones you have entrusted to me. Mold the desires I have for those in my care To be in accord…

ONE week away! 50th NRL Convention

Published: Fri, 06/18/21

For Immediate Release: Friday, June 18, 2021 For more information: Laura Echevarria, (202) 626-8825, National Right to Life's…

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